Get free updates and my bonus guide “10 Steps to Flower Gardening Success”

Dear Garden Lover: Due to my difficulties with computer-caused repetitive strain injury, my newsletter is suspended for the foreseeable future. You may still sign up and get the bonus guide.

Hi, Yvonne Cunnington here. I’m one of those people for whom gardening started out as a hobby, and then got seriously out of control. Making my first garden led to studying landscape design, writing a garden book and creating this web site and a huge garden spread over many acres.

When you join, I’ll send you my free “10 Steps to Flower Gardening Success” guide. In this PDF, I outline some basic principles that I learned when I started my own garden from scratch almost 20 years ago.

Please join my flower gardening VIP list:


10 Steps to Flower Gardening Success includes:

  • How to plant so that you enjoy all-season color in your garden
  • A bonus chart “Bloom Times for Favorite Perennials” for picking plants so you have something in bloom from spring to fall
  • Tips for laying out and edging your flower beds
  • How to pick the right plants and arrange them so they look good together and grow well in your conditions

And what common mistakes to avoid:

  • Making your planting beds too narrow
  • Picking the wrong plants for your climate and conditions
  • Only buying perennials that are in bloom in the spring; when summer comes, no more color
  • Neglecting soil preparation
  • Planting your annuals and perennials too close together

So just sign up now, and I’ll send you the “10 Steps Guide” right away.


“The Everlasting Bloom Expert”

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