Succulent Container Gardens by Debra Lee Baldwin has everything you need to know to plant stunning displays of succulents in containers.
Succulents are becoming more popular, and nurseries, garden centers and online suppliers offer a great deal more variety in plant choices than ever before.
Baldwin’s inspiring book shows you so many dramatic and appealing combinations with succulents that it may well spur you on to become a collector of these fascinating plants.
Included are photographs of terrific plant combinations to spark your creativity, and A to Z descriptions covering 350 of the best succulents for containers, plus design ideas that make sense.
Design tips from Succulent Container Gardens:
Repetition: Agave victoriae-reginae in terracotta pots
- Repetitions of form color line and texture are appealing: One agave in a pot is fine, but repeat that composition – same type of agave, same type of pot – and even casual observers are intrigued and entertained.
- To be pleasing to the eye, a pot needs to fit the space it fills and contain succulents that are neither too large nor too small. A mistake beginners sometimes make is buying an assortment of succulents in 2- to 4-inch pots, then placing the plants in an overly large container.
- Texture tends to have a subtle, subliminal effect. An example is juxtaposing spiky plants with the smooth ones, such as cacti with agaves.
How to plant container gardens with succulents
In this video author Debra Lee Baldwin shows you how to plant a succulent container step-by-step, from choosing potting soil, the container and selecting plants that look good together:
Related Information
More tips for growing succulents in containers
Visit Debra Lee Baldwin’s website for more information
Container gardening planting tips, plus the best pots
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