I have tried many sources of flower seeds. My favorites are mail order suppliers like Thompson and Morgan, Stokes, Veseys, Gardens North and Richters Herbs. They’re all on-line now, which makes it easier than ever to find for interesting plants.
Seed sources for the unusual
One of the best sources for herb and flower seeds and plants in North America is Richters Herbs.
They carry an astonishing assortment of seeds of culinary herbs, as well as flowers to beautify your garden. If you are looking for the unusual, chances are good that you will find it at their site.
Gardens North is another unique source for perennial seeds. The proprietor, Kristl Walek is a perennial seed expert, who offers seeds for scores of hardy perennials for northern gardeners, including many native plants and hard-to-find species and varieties.
Rock garden societies are good sources of seeds
Gardeners Supply offers a variety of different grow lights for seed-starting
Because most rock gardeners grow regular annuals and perennials too, you will find seeds for a lot of choice plants, not just alpines.
The seed is quite inexpensive, but you do have to join the society to participate in the seed exchange.
f you’re keen on growing from seed, this is well worth it, even if you’re not into alpines and you don’t collect seed yourself. Read more about the North American Rock Gardening Society seed exchange.
The chapter I get seeds from is Ontario Rock Garden & Hardy Plant Society. Its annual Seedex offers an excellent choice of alpine and perennial seeds gathered and donated by members.
More on Seed-Starting
Seed-starting timing and how much sow
What to do after your seeds have sprouted
Collecting and saving seeds from your own garden